ESP8266-01 & DHT11 Voronoi
This is a modification of another project: For Bill of Material etc look at this thingy. I really liked the compact design and the fact that you can leave the temperature sensor everywhere you want, since it can run on battery power. The only issue I had, was that if the DHT11 sensor was kept inside of the enclosure box, temperature readings would not be as accuracte as out of the electrical box. Therefore there is now an included hole that allows the sensor to be outside of the box, just bend the sensor away from the board and trhough the hole. Apart from that, I changed the grill for cooling the components to a voronoi pattern. I more just for looks since the components basically never get hot (maybe bit while changing). Anyway, the grill adds some cooling just in case, looks nice and you can see the led of the sensor through it, giving you confirmation of proper charging and proper functioning of your esp8266.