War of the Ring the Card Game + Sleeves

War of the Ring the Card Game + Sleeves


A complimentary insert for WotR the Card Game. The goal of this insert was to provide trays that can be taken out and used during gameplay. The secondary goal was to provide vertical storage to the box, without having all tokens and cards fall out of place. The insert supports sleeved cards. Pictured are Sleeve Kings sleeves. Thicker sleeves should be fine, but longer sleeves (SK Premium, FFG, Arcane Tinmen) may not work. For best results, keep the thin white cardboard sheet to cover the top of the game. If this was tossed, perhaps print a spacer for the bottom of the box if you find that contents are still spilling out. You need: 1x Tokens Misc 3x Tokens 2x Cards Large 4x Cards 1x Tokens Left 1x Tokens Right * You're welcome to print two of the same Tokens Left/Right instead of one of each. I like the symmetry.






