OpenOdometry (V3) Alternative Side Plates

OpenOdometry (V3) Alternative Side Plates


This part was designed to provide an alternate mounting option for the OpenOdometry V3 module for FTC Robotics. Note: The OpenOdometry design belongs to FTC Team 18219 Primitive Data. For the rest of the model and BOM, please refer to their original design. Their website is: We really appreciate all the effort that went into this awesome design that fits within goBilda channel. However, the way the encoder is mounted puts the connector and wires in peril if the robot drives over an obstacle. We started by simply mirroring the part in our slicer so that the encoder wires would be near the pivot bearings. However, we also noticed that the pivot location (bottom row on goBilda pattern) doesn't allow it to rotate or be pulled completely out of harm's way. Our solution was to revise the design of the side plates to be lower profile at the free end and have the pivot higher so that it mounts in the goBilda pattern center row. The end result is a little less compact overall, but more of the module can rotate up into the channel. So if you want to pull the encoder up during teleOp, for example, it will be more protected. Again, we are providing only the models for the alternative side plates. You'll have to get everything else from Primitive Data. The SolidWorks (educational license) source file is included for your modifications.






