Yamaha YSV104/105 Chin Rest Riser (15mm)

Yamaha YSV104/105 Chin Rest Riser (15mm)


<h2>If you like what you see here, consider leaving a tip.<br></h2> <b>30 mm length screws are required to fit this to the YSV104 or YSV105. The original screws are not long enough.</b> This is a chin rest riser for a Yamaha silent practise violin YSV104 or YSV105. It may work with the SV250 or SV255, but I think there are electronics in side the chinrest that may be in the way of this riser, so some modification of the design may be required. I have long neck and so each of my violins has a tall chin rest. I like the SAS and Flesch extra tall chin rests on my accoustic violins, and wanted something like that for my YSV104. I have a work in progress design to get an SAS chin rest attached to the YSV, but as it is, it's even too tall for me.






