Wall Mount - 20v Battery Dispensor
I've got 6x battery packs and they have almost no visible differences between any of them. I got tired of not being able to tell what batteries are charged and what might be dead from the top of my toolbox. So I designed this dispenser. Every time I charge a battery it gets dropped in the top, and works its way down to the bottom. That way you'll always be pulling the oldest battery in the stack making sure that no single battery in your collection bears the brunt of your use. This was designed to be modular for 2x batteries at a time. In theory there's no limit to how many you could stack together, but I wouldn't go much beyond a total of 6. I take no responsibility for the bottom letting go and dropping batteries. I can't control your print settings and quality or how much abuse you give your tools. Recommend tougher materials than basic PLA. Print with 50%+ infill and at least 1.5mm walls.