Double Octagonal Sudo THWACK with longneck

Double Octagonal Sudo THWACK with longneck


I really liked the THWACK and u/Overthinking_R_Us's remix making it into a double octagonal head. Though, I felt they all needed to be a little longer, so I did that. I also wanted to make the head solid and the handle hallow, so I cut the pieces in twain and used CURA's per model printing to make he head 100% infill, and the handle __% infill, and printed them together. There is a slight line that can be seen where the two models intersect, but oh well it's a tool and I'm sure someone brighter than I can fix it if they wanted to. The split models also means you can make the neck a little longer too if that's what you desire. There are 4 files: First, is just a 15mm longer hammer. Second, is the project file for the meshed solid/hallow hammer Third, is the head/neck region if you want to make it longer or have a preference on stitching. Fourth, is the handle for the same reason as the head.






