Chassis and mount for laptop bezel type camera

Chassis and mount for laptop bezel type camera


Upcycling a camera from my old netbook as webcam for Octoprint. Chassis and mount - use heat (heat gun, lighter etc) to heat the nubs on the two halves of the chassis to snap them together - or just cut them off and glue the two halves. This print fits camera from Asus EEE PC 900 and similar, but I'm attaching the FreeCAD files so you can remix for other laptops, fiddling with placement of the camera window, socket pocket etc. Mount attaches to the Z-axis roller mount on Ender-likes. Word of warning: this kind of cameras use USB but run on 3.3V, not 5V standard to USB. I've attached it to Orange Pi Zero 2's USB pins, GND and 3.3V without occupying its USB socket (used to connect to the printer). [This link]( provides pinout and a how-to if you want to connect it to regular USB. For other camera models you're on your own. (Also, mjpegstreamer doesn't work with this model, but Motion does).



