Mods for Cort's Gatling Rubber Band Gun

Mods for Cort's Gatling Rubber Band Gun


The gun works great! Printed all parts at .28 layer height, 20% infill. I did print the ratchet catch and ratchet wheels at 100% infill for a bit more strength. I have pretty thick rubber bands so I can only load 4 shots at a time, tried 5 once and sheered a tooth off one of the ratchet wheels. Perhaps print with ABS or use thinner/longer rubber bands if you want to load 6 shots per wheel. Like a few people in the comments, I also had a problem with the gun shooting all the rubber bands per shot. "Ratchet_Catch_v3" has a slightly longer "catch" nub that fixed the problem for me, gun works great now. The mag assembly was also a bit sloppy in between the front/rear body. It made cranking feel a bit gross, although it did still work. I was tempted to reprint the front body, but I had already printed it, so I printed a little spacer to snug things up instead. If you haven't printed the original gun yet, you might want to scale the front body in the front/back-of-gun direction by ~98% (if anyone does this, let me know how 98% works out). In conclusion: print the original project as per its instructions minus the 6 ratchet catches. Print 6 of the "Ratch_Catch_v3"s instead. Then either scale the front body front/back to 98% (unconfirmed) or print the little spacer to slip on the front wheel. You should then have a very fun rubber band gatling gun. Props to Cort for the awesome design. Happy printing!







Toys & Games