Micro Swiss NG 5015 Blower Fan Shroud

Micro Swiss NG 5015 Blower Fan Shroud


I made a cooling fan shroud for the Micro Swiss NG Direct Drive extruder for my Ender 3 V2. It's designed for a 4020 axial fan to replace the loud 4010 axial fan on the front. Also to replace the 4010 Blower fan with a more powerful 5015 blower fan. This is my first time designing a Fan duct so could probably be improved for better cooling efficiency. If using a 4020 Noctua fan the corner of the fan still needs to be filed down abit to fit like the standard shroud that comes with the extruder. The mounting holes for both fans are sized for brass M3 Heat-set inserts with a diameter of 5mm and a length of 4mm. 6 are required. I used 4 M3x20 bolts for the axial fan and 2 M3x18 bolts for the blower fan, sizes can vary depending on the fans used



