10cc syringe holder
Respiratory therapist here, we use a 10cc syringe to inflate our endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes. then I got tired of our 10cc syringes falling off from our ventilators which doesnt have any flat areas to put stuff in. so I made this basic clip that holds the syringe just enough so that it doesnt fall nor its too tight. prepped with light sanding and cleaned with alcohol pads, 16mm 3M VHB double sided tape was used. or if you have the money, 3M has some prep solution that would help with bonding the tape to PETG but i've not seen any issues with sanding and alcohol. * An approval from our hospital's infection prevention department was needed as this is added on to all our vents and is mounted with 3M double sided tape. check your hospital's policy. printed on PETG upright for lateral strength and wont break if stretched to wide open. 3M VHB: https://www.amazon.com/Double-Mounting-Adhesive-Waterproof-Automotive/dp/B098XGZ1H4/ref=sr_1_3?crid=65XZFH0XSQUL&keywords=16mm+VHB&qid=1676609980&sprefix=16mm+vhb%2Caps%2C282&sr=8-3