Rush Pinball Multiball Tracker

Rush Pinball Multiball Tracker


Multiball Tracker for Rush by Stern Pinball! Initially this game was released with no means to track which multiball modes you've played -- but you need to play all six to reach the Cygnus X-1 Book 1 wizard mode. Using an existing webcam cover design, I created this handy little tracker -- play the multiball, close the applicable window, and easily see which modes remain! A multiball tracker screen has since been added to the Instant Info (hold flipper to access) to show which you've played so far, but I still like using the tracker so I don't need to pause and access this special screen. I just look down and can still see at a glance what I have left. Instructions: 1) 3D print the housing and six tabs 2) Print the icon strip on regular paper -- image should be sized to 4.062" in length 3) Glue/adhere the icon strip to a piece of magnet sheet -- the type with an adhesive upper surface will work best! 4) Glue the housing to the magnet/icon sheet combo, using super glue along the edges and the 'beams' between the windows 5) Insert the tabs oriented so the raised piece can be 'dragged' open or closed!



