Loudest Whistle for Your Keychain

Loudest Whistle for Your Keychain


**Update 2023-02-15:** I have designed a beautiful **[Gift and Storage Box](https://www.printables.com/model/399357-gift-and-storage-box-for-keychain-whistle-set)** for my complete **[Keychain Whistle Set](https://www.printables.com/model/394669-loudest-whistle-for-your-keychain)**: <a href="https://www.printables.com/model/399357-gift-and-storage-box-for-keychain-whistle-set"><img src="https://media.printables.com/media/prints/399357/images/3329254_5d304fd7-93e6-4417-a9ea-53c58d60ecf5/thumbs/inside/1920x1440/jpg/title.webp" width="50%" height="50%"></a> **Extremely loud dual-tone whistle, even louder than the famous [V29](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1179160).** I needed an emergency whistle to fit my keychain and couldn't find any design which fits my requirements. What I found was either too bulky, too fragile, or too quiet. So I made my own design, and this are the key advantages: - extremely loud, even louder than the famous V29, - very compact, only 5 mm thick, 14.3 mm wide and 48.9 mm long, - double tone, sounds similar to a referee's whistle, - easy to blow, - sturdy and hard to destroy, - lean design, - easy to print, - fast printing (< 20 min), little filament required (approx. 2.5 grams). **I have designed other variants of this whistle which you can download [here](https://www.printables.com/model/394669-loudest-whistle-for-your-keychain).** **How to print:** Use a line width of 0.4 mm and a layer height of 0.2 mm, 4 top layers and 4 bottom layers. The whistle requires correct positioning of the Z-seam - it shouldn't be placed in the narrow air passages inside the whistle. The Z-seam should be positioned as shown in the image above (the white dots represent the Z-seam). Use the “Z Seam Alignment: User specified” option in Cura or the "Seam Painting" option in PrusaSlicer to achieve this. If you are using Cura I recommend V4.13.1 for this design as Cura 5.x still has problems placing the Z-seam. Print slowly to achieve sharp edges. If you want a multicolor print as in the picture above, change filament at the desired height. **Do you like it?** If you have printed this design and you like it, I would be happy if your make is uploaded. **Please also check out my [Valentine Whistle](https://www.printables.com/model/391420-call-your-beloved-whistle-valentines-day-gift).** ![](https://media.printables.com/media/prints/391420/images/3272423_a4336675-339c-4106-81a4-c44c9ce1504d/thumbs/cover/1280x960/jpg/photo.webp)






