UFO Fidget Spinner

UFO Fidget Spinner


Original Model on Printables, here: https://www.printables.com/model/313267-ufo-v20 I liked the design that Dropkik1031 did but I like things that spin so.... Remixed to be able to make it spin and other small fixes or tweaks. It spins well. 2 versions, small is more for a kids hand, large for adults. I use Gloop to put it all together but you can use any glue that works with the material you use. I used various PLA. Gloop is quick. Adaptive layers for the saucer, .1 to .28 no supports needed. You could also just print the entire section at .12, this will take longer. Bottom can be printed with thick layers, but start with .2 to get the accents to come out. Top I recommend .2 or less, and make sure to check your seams before saving. Also recommend at least a 1mm top and bottom thickness for the saucer and top. assembly video: https://youtu.be/rwrrNiyG-dA I hope you enjoy this model. DWTC



