More Portable Switch Dock

More Portable Switch Dock


This is a dock mod I made for the nintendo switch. It is compatible with this dock from amazon, not the official nintendo dock (I don't think). I modified the dockbody after I printed to be recessed around the USB-C port. Print all pieces, only the dockbody file needs support. Print the dockbody file on its flat side. Print the dockbutton on the larger side. Print the docklid on the flat side of the curved edge. Print the dockbottom on the flat side. Assembly: (its a bit tricky) 1. Getting the parts Undo the casing from the purchased dock. The one I linked can be hit on the side with a hammer a couple of times and it opens up. Undo the screws and free the PCB and the USB-C port. 2. The USB-C Cable Unclip the video/usb-c cable connection from the PCB. Place the usb-c into the hole in the front of the dockbody with the bumpy side front (there's space for it). Push the cable you unplugged through the arch in the dockbottom, carefully ensuring the pins on the cable do not get bent (you will want to clear the arch of any filament that isn't supposed to be there). Then clip it back onto the PCB. Intermission: At this point, the USB-C is in the hole and connected to the PCB through the arch on the dock bottom. 3. The Button Place the button in the hole on the back of the dockbody. You will probably have to hold the dock vertically now so the button doesn't fall out of place 4. The PCB Push side of the PCB with the TWO USB-A ports into the holes on the side of the dockbody. Then slide the other side into place. You may need to use a screwdriver or something as a wedge on the hdmi port to give the second side some more space. 5. The Bottom Ensure the LED is in the correct position at the front of the dockbody and slide the dockbottom on, starting in the front. You will definitely have to use some force here but try to get two sides in place before just pushing. 6. The lid One side of the Lid has an indention beside the hole for the peg so that it can slide on easier. Put the other side in its place with the peg first and then slide the indented side on







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