WLED LED Tower Bar Lamp

WLED LED Tower Bar Lamp


A LED tower lamp which works with W2812b LEDs and a Wemos D1 Mini with WLED on it. Can be controlled via Wifi. Used electric parts (see picture): - Wemos D1 mini - 1000 uF capacitor - micro switch 6x6x4,5mm - micro usb breakout board - Relais module - 370 ohm resistor - Logic level shifter - (optional: 2 Wago connectors, cables can also connected in another way) - cables The base is printed and holds an aluminium U-rofile wuth a printed endcap. You can see the profile dimensions on one of the pictures. I attached a test print to see if the profile fits. As defusor I just used a long paper from a roll of receipt paper which is hold by its own tension. The main part of the base consists of three parts: The bottom, the top and a spacer ring between to give it a nice colour touch. In the bottom part there is at the back a holder for a micro USB breakout board which works as power input. it is based on this design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3483181 In the fron there is place for a button. There are two options: 1) Printing a pushbutton holder (based on this design: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2293016) 2) Insert a two state switch there (like the one in the photo, no other print neccessary) With this pushbutton the LEDs can be toggled on and off with WLEDs integrated power function. (needs a preset with T=2, see WLED screenshots) I glued the design ring of the base to the top and glued the aluminium profile in the holder. The LEDs are from a ws2812b LED strip. I glued them with the tape on their backside and supported it with double sided tape. The base is also attached to the top with double sided tape. Wiring: The connection from "outside" is done via micro usb. The basic wiring can be found on the WLED site: https://kno.wled.ge/basics/getting-started/ I use a 3 ampere USB power supply. This enough as not all LEDs are lighted up at full brightness and white at the same time normaly. In addition I'm using this addition WLED functions: the D6 pin for the relais control the D3 pin for connecting the push button With the use of the LEDFX application the leds can also be controlled by music / sound wireless. As print reference I also attached the gcode from my Ender 3 print. Sources: WLED: https://kno.wled.ge/ LEDFX: https://www.ledfx.app/





