DVG Warfighter compatible Ammo Counter "Magazine" and "Clip"

DVG Warfighter compatible Ammo Counter "Magazine" and "Clip"


I enjoy playing [DVG's Warfighter series of games](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/47456/series-warfighter-dvg). In this game, your weapons have limited ammo tracked by double sided counters. Some weapons have stacks of up to 6 counters, which can get unwieldy and spill. This thing is a series of simple "clips" that hold stacks of 4, 5 or 6 ammo tokens on a weapon while playing the game. The size of the clip is printed on the bottom. I use these by pre-filling a bunch in my counter tray, then just grabbing a full one when prepping a game mission. Also makes resupply easy with cards that give RP of gear, because you can just grab another clip rather than making the pile of counters even bigger. I also invented a version of the 6 token clip that I call a "magazine". It is definitely overengineered and not particularly useful(!) but is funny and thematic. You load the magazine by pushing counters through the slot, then when playing and make a "reload" roll, you tip the magazine upside down. An "empty" ammo token will automatically pop out of the slot to be discarded. Then when you do the reload action, flip the magazine back over. The base of the magazine has "Reload" embossed as a reminder.



