Ubiquiti G4 Doorbell Pro PoE Adapter Mount

Ubiquiti G4 Doorbell Pro PoE Adapter Mount


Remixed the original model by araemo. This is a pressure fit mount that will hold the Ubiquiti G4 Doorbell Pro PoE Adapter (UACC-Adapter-DBPOE). I recently got my hands on one of the adapters, and was in need of mount. Before I took on the task of designing my own, I searched TC, and sure enough, I found the model that araemo designed. I loved the design, the adapter just snaps in with a slight bit of pressure and stays in snug. Pulling on cord slightly allows for it to still be removed and serviced, if needed, without having to disconnect anything. The only changes I made, were to the type of screw that can be used. The original model takes an M4 screw with a recess for a small anchor. This version of the mount can take a sheet rock screws up to 2in. Sheet rock screws longer than 2in, have larger heads that won't fit the hole. I also kept the recess on the back, but I made it capable of taking an anchor up to 10mm wide and that sticks off the wall by about 1mm. If there is a need for being able to take a longer screw with a bigger head, feel free to drop a comment. Note: Due to Ubiquiti's EA policy, I can not post any pictures of the adapter itself or discuss it. I blurred out one of the pictures with it, so you can get an idea, but as long as it's in EA, I'll hold off on the full clarity pictures.






