Surefire KM3 / M952V Lens Caps and Lighthead protector
Why buy some trendy thing on instagram when you can make it? This lens cap allows for light discipline and flashlight head protection when using your primary during the day. Flashlight cap for a KM3 White/IR flashlight. Modeled for a M952V base with KM3 head. Fitment is good, even with a bit of paint. Countersink on top is 2mm for a 1mm hole. I only created a 1mm retention strap hole so you can add your own para/shock cord to your specs. Material(s) required: -Shock cord or para cord for retention strap Optional Materials Required: -Paint -Sandpaper (varying grits) Finished pictures: -Printed with a FormLabs Form 2 with Gray Resin. -Painted with Home Depot Camouflage Tan. -Shock Cord (random I had laying at home) about 8" -3/32" bit for the retention cord (hand drilled)