Slatwall hook

Slatwall hook


After looking around for a one size fits all hook for my slatwalls, I decided to build one up in F360 to make it scalable and get multiple fits for my needs. I found that my slatwall rows were not consistent even between rows on the same 4x8 sheet. I am using the MDF type slatwall with no reinforcing incerts in the slats. I have included a parametric F360 file to allow any changes needed to fit your specific slatwall. Use the "Change Parameters" modifier to make most changes, each parameter has descriptions to show which dimension it controls. The slat mount can be altered to get best fitment to your specific slatwall. I found that it was better to have the slat spacing (parameter "flatback_height") just a tad long to allow fitment on more rows. You can also change the hook size, hook width, extend the hook tip up, slatwall connection width, and much more. I removed some of the chamfers on the hook arm to help with bed adhesion. The extra chamfers left minimal surface area to secure to the bed.







3D Printing