.308 Rifle Sling Accessories

.308 Rifle Sling Accessories


Repurpose a long leather purse strap or belt as a rifle sling. Includes buckle, loop retainer, and three round shell holder/carrier for .308 Winchester. The Fusion 360 files are included so you can repurpose for your own rifle caliber and sling width and thickness (this was for 1-1/8 in. wide and just over 1/8 in. thick strap). Note I used the SAAMI shell specification for .308 casing in order to properly taper the inside of the shell carrier. I added about 0.08 inches to the SAAMI minimum diameter to get a suitable fit. You can find the SAAMI specs here for various center fire rifle rounds: https://saami.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ANSI-SAAMI-Z299.4-CFR-Approved-2015-12-14-Posting-Copy.pdf Printed using IEMAI carbon fiber PETG at 225/80 degrees and an 0.6 mm nozzle. Printed on a Creality Ender Neo Additional hardware/supplies: Locking sling swivels Chicago screws for leather Loctite Leather punch might be needed to punch holes in the leather strap.



