1-100 Canadian M113A2 TUA

1-100 Canadian M113A2 TUA


M113A2 TUA as fielded by the CAF in the 80s. These vehicles saw service in Canada, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo. I was requested to make this specific variant From Wikipedia: Canadian version of the NM142 anti-tank vehicle, utilizing the same Norwegian turret designed by Kværner Eureka but built under Licensed production in Canada on a M113A2 chassis. Some of the additional changes include being fitted with external fuel tanks like other vehicles of the A2 series along with mountings on the rear of the turret for two banks of six Wegmann 76 mm Multi-Purpose Grenade Launcher Tubes. To accommodate the addition of the turret, the Commander's cupola and station were repositioned directly behind the engine wall. Later in service during UNPROFOR the vehicles were mounted with an external coaxial C6 GPMG fitted to the side of the right TOW-2 launcher on the turret, allowing it to be aligned with the main sight for use by the gunner and a connection was added to allow the gunner to fire it remotely. The C6 GPMG also had to be modified to feed from the right side of the weapon due to the side mounting on the launcher. A total of 72 vehicles were modified to this variant, being first fielded in 1989.






