Bear Extruder FS-Cover for M10 Push Fittings with 1,75 mm Filament Adapter
Heyho Some months ago when I upgraded my MK3s with the bear X-Axis, I used one of the M10 Push Fittings from my dryboxes. But I frequently change between my technical filament out of the dryboxes and standard Filament like PLA (stored in normal dry containers). So I created an adapter to screw into the cover. (Using a piece of Ptfe Tube is too simple of course!) So here is my current version with a holder for the not used adapter/ push fitting. Switching between those is quite fast and works very good. I used PA6-CF for the Cover and Igus Filament for the Adapter but PLA/ PetG will do the job fine (Black one for the cover!) Have fun and keep printin!