Shrimp Corner Tunnel
Please think about buying me a coffee. I saw an aquarium tunnel similar to this, so I designed my own. The first iteration was created with a 27mm tunnel height. I figured this was plenty as it was going to be a hideaway for shrimp. Well, as you can see by the photo my Dwarf Gourami, he decided he likes the tunnel too. So my second iteration has a 37mm tunnel height so there is less risk of him getting stuck. The photos are of the 27mm design. I've listed the dimensions below. Sizes: Small - 150mm x 40mm with a 27mm tunnel height and Large - 150mm x 40mm with a 37mm tunnel height Download and print both small or both large files to form a tunnel. Tunnel can be super glued together or placed as is. Print the files as they lay without supports and with 100% infill, this way they don't take on water or float. I used PETG for longevity. Do your research and choose a filament that will be safe for your creatures. Don't forget, I enjoy coffee :)