(Adhesive Compatible) PS5 DualSense Controller Invisible Wall Mount

(Adhesive Compatible) PS5 DualSense Controller Invisible Wall Mount


Remix of a remix - I wanted to be able to wall-mount my DualSense with Command Adhesive Strips. Replaced the base with one large enough to accommodate 2 pairs of [small command adhesive strips](https://www.amazon.com/Command-Picture-Hanging-Hangers-Adhesive/dp/B073XS3CHW/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=small+command+picture+hanging+strips&qid=1677824156&sprefix=small+command+pic%2Caps%2C94&sr=8-6) with a bit of extra space for the tabs to stick out (the original could fit one strip, which may have been enough but I'm paranoid). Also added a second brace that attaches to the top of the base, in the hope that the weight will be more evenly distributed along the command strips, rather than pulling only at the bottom. Unfortunately, making the base wider does mean it can no longer print flat, and will require supports. I am currently running the print just auto-rotated and auto-supported with PrusaSlicer, and will update with results tomorrow. This is my first upload to the site, and my first time attempting to remix a part from a mesh, so I welcome any tips or recommendations! P.S. I'm actually printing it on the ELEGOO MARS PRO, not the standard MARS, but apparently Thingiverse doesn't think my printer exists.






