Low Profile AimTrak Light Gun Sensor Bar Enclosure for Atgames Legends Ultimate Arcade Machine

Low Profile AimTrak Light Gun Sensor Bar Enclosure for Atgames Legends Ultimate Arcade Machine


I found a nice case from raymnli but wanted it to be low profile and easily mounted on the ALM, so I did some major remixing. This is an Enclosure for the circuit board of the AimTrak Sensor bar that is included when you purchase a lightgun. The OEM board has the LEDs bent at 90 degrees, so you must make them straight again to install. That helps keep it low profile. I made the holes plenty big so the LEDs don't get stuck (a problem I had with a prototype version). It is slanted slightly to make the LEDs more level. I used two old hard drive mounting screws to mount the board, and the original screws for attaching the two pieces together. Mounted with double stick tape or a command strip to the acrylic border of the screen, lined up to the lower blue bar, and slid the USB cable in-between the glass and wood by temporaraly removing the black tape that hides the seam. USB then plugs in to a powered USB hub.






