Wren House with Wyze Camera

Wren House with Wyze Camera


I remixed this simple wren house to add a mount for a Wyze OG camera in the top. You will need to add a ~20-25mm diameter 20x lens to get the camera to focus up close. I cut the lens out of this $10 loupe from Amazon; https://a.co/d/1BiKJ0d. Glue the lens into the holder with superglue, being careful not to drip any on the lens. I put a bit on a long thin dower to get it in place. I also added screw holes to screw it together so that it can be cleaned out. And I moved the hole size closer to the top to give the birds more room. The hole size here is 1 1/8" for Carolina Wrens. Hanging holes are included. I also created a bird feeder with this camera that works very well, here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5885649



