Turtle shell container

Turtle shell container


I’m super pleased, Super Mario!! pleased to be releasing my new turtle shell design. Just can’t wait to see the Movie being released this year!! Created this turtle shell to be printed out in corresponding colors and assembled to eliminate any need to paint the final product. ****NOTE **** The game organizer insert, along with the spikes and the proper hex pices for the spikes are NOT included with this FREE design There is also a spiked shell version of the design with the switch game organizer insert located here, https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/spiked-turtle-shell-switch-game-organizer I designed the top portion of the shell to be easily removed with the addition of 4 magnets sized 8 x 3mm https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09ZFCJ59V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 All parts are oriented to the build plate correctly, and are super simple to print. There is only 4 parts that will need supports, the split white trim pieces, and the bottom outside tail and head. Once all parts are printed assembly should be a breeze. The Hex pieces in the top shell are all numbered to their corresponding locations in the top shell inside hub, and are easily inserted in place when gluing together. The flat mark on the belly outside piece should be directed towards the tail end of the bottom inside hub marked with the “T”. The “T” designates the tail end of the bottom inside hub. It should be self-explanatory where the other bottom outside pieces fit in the bottom hub. I recommend printing the Trim pieces separate with supports, then using the trim pins to glue the two halves together, but if you want to print it as one piece, I included a one-piece trim part in the listing. With the trim printed and assembled, it should be glued to the completed bottom shell. When adding the magnets to the printed pieces be sure to orient them correctly so the completed top shell falls in place and in held to the rest of the shell. Thanks for checking out my Turtle Shell Container, and if you could please post a make. I would love to see your print. Happy Printing, Jeremiah






