One click filament clip

One click filament clip


The biggest advantage, which you won't find in other clips, is that with one simple click you can hold two last threads in the spool. All the clips I've found just hold the last thread to the end of the spool or to the previous thread with no force, but they don't hold it properly. Features: - less then 1g - easy to put on - one, simple click to close and open - super flat and small size - don't need to take off when the spool is in use (when it's open it slides nicely with no resistance) - when it's closed last two threads are stalled, so there is no movement on the last coil of filament at all - tension is divided equal on two threads (no risk to hurt the filament) - two part design with a little tighter (+0.1) and looser (-0.1) versions so you can find your perfect fit - print in PETG, 0.2 resolution or less Please leave the feedback, comment, like, etc. Thanks.



