G Scale Rail Road Track (Improved)
G scale (45mm gauge) rail road tracks with jigsaw type connectors I designed for my son's Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer. The transition track is for connection to the original Lionel track that comes with the train. The 330mm length of track, the 356mm curve, and the switch tracks require a large format printer, but everything else can be printed within a standard 200x200 build space. (I printed these on an Ender 5 Plus (350x350) and a Maker Select Plus (200x200) The rail is 3.5mm wide, with a 7.5mm base and stands 8mm above the ties. The ties are 70mm x 8mm x 5mm, and spaced 30mm OC. The track stands 13mm tall off the ground. There are two curved pieces. All have the same arc of 1.36 meters, roughly the same as the Lionel track. They are 15, and 30 degrees, and are 1/24th and 1/12th of a complete circle, respectively. The larger piece requires a large format printer. https://photos.app.goo.gl/7j4wUEdhAqMHCTeV6 The switch tracks work better if you secure it with a rubber band. Unfortunately, they are only for a large format printer at present, but they could be printed in pieces and glued together. Be careful when you remove the switch points from the printer. They are quite fragile. Then clip the rafts off the bottom. Insert the switch lever disk into the platform from below and snap the switch points on from the top. Use a crayon to lubricate moving parts and couple dabs of modeling glue if needed. And, just for fun, a derail. All parts require supports to be on. Below is a link to the train set this print was designed for. https://www.amazon.com/Lionel-Pennsylvania-Flyer-Ready-Train/dp/B01C35QI50/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=pennsylvania+flyer+train+set&qid=1668806373&sprefix=pennsylvania+flyer+%2Caps%2C186&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18ed3cb5-28d5-4975-8bc7-93deae8f9840&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1