PinSim Cabinet

PinSim Cabinet


This is a Cabinet I designed for the Open Source Project: PinSim Printed with a CR10 S5 - large format printer. However I was still not able to print it as a solid piece. I used a few different bolts, Mostly M4s. If there is significant interest in this project I will create a better manifest. All of the electronics I used can be found in the PinSim Github page listed above. I designed the print in place hinges myself, as well as all of the test features to make sure the buttons and such fit properly before printing the whole thing. I noticed on the version I printed out that some of the screw holes were a bit too large, so I reduced them, and have not tested the new size. I also noticed there was a bit too much play in the finger joints holding them all together, and you may want to reduce that tolerance a smidge. I have included the .F3D file so you can make alterations if you like. As well as the test fixtures. This project is not for the faint of heart, as the prints took 10 days to complete. Knowledge of pcbs, soldering, and some light programming are needed. As well as a fair amount of patience. But If you like playing pinball, there is nothing closer then to actually be playing a real machine. The immersion while playing this PinSim as a controller while in VR is supreme. And to be able to have my own little library of pinball machines is a dream I have always had. Goodluck fellow Pinball wizards!







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