CFU Spot Plating Multichannel Guide
I used to work at a biotech company with robots and I sure miss them. We had a great setup that used the robots to stamp 96x 5uL spots onto an agar plate all at one time. We could then either count the colony-forming units by eye or use image analysis to count them for us For one of my current projects, I will need to be doing a lot of CFU spot-platting. Unfortunately, now that I am in grad school, I am the robot. To make things as easy as possible for myself, I thought I would try to make a guide for the multichannel pipette to allow for easy CFU plating in a 96-well format. I will be doing the plating in an anaerobic chamber, so it is kind of hard to do by eye and a guide should be a great help. The key to getting this to work is getting all the heights right/consistent plate to plate. The current design is compatible with Nunc™ OmniTray™ Single-Well Plate plates in which 30mL of agar is poured. 5uL is then pipetted using a multichannel and Biotix 10uL tips.