Circle LED Lamp

Circle LED Lamp


This started as PLENUE’s design/ with a hearty “Thank You” for sharing it. It is elegant, but larger than I wanted, and the circular lamp portion did not fit on a 9” printing plate like my Prusa i3 MKs. So, I shrunk all parts by 60% of original size, but kept the width of the finished product the same so the 5050 LED strip would still fit. Google “5050 LED” and you will get many options. “5050” refers to the dimensions of the LED array at 5mm x 5mm. This allowed printing the circular light-emitting ring in one printing, which was good for stability. Although the frame parts were printed as PLENUE did as segments (as modified), I also printed the completed base with supports (which came out terrible due to lots of support induced flaws) to help line up the segmented parts for assembly and gluing. I used a WRGB LED strip I had laying around, but would have been better to use a pure white with color-temperature control. They are very inexpensive, so choose the one you want. I used a 4-position DIP switch to control the colors from Amazon And a 12VDC standard female input plug for power The 12 VDC is from a 120 VAC to 12 VDC power converter: All parts are printed in PLA for easy printing. The adhesive I used was 5 Minute epoxy. There also was a mini-SPST switch for “On-Off”.






