TinyHawk 2 Freestyle Runcam Thumb Pro mount

TinyHawk 2 Freestyle Runcam Thumb Pro mount


DISCLAIMER: THE MOUNT WILL MOST LIKELY NOT FIT THE THUMB PRO IF PRINTED IN ABS, PLA, PETG, OR OTHER NON-FLEXIBLE MATERIAL. PRINT AT YOUR OWN RISK. DO NOT SCALE UP, SINCE THE HOLES WILL NO LONGER FIT. Printed using 1.75mm DevilDesgin TPU 55D Hole dimensions: Space between holes - 21mm Hole size - ~2mm Fastened using the included with Tinyhawk II Freestyle bolts Weight (excluding supports, bolts, camera, etc.) - ~3.75g@50% infill The angle of the camera is 25° when using the mount. It is a very snug fit, maybe even too snug. Depending on your printer it may not fit the Runcam Thumb Pro. In that case, some sanding will be required. It fit for me, so can't guarantee fitting after sanding. You can see some stringing in the pictures. Depending on your preset there might be less/more. I haven't finished clibrating my fillament yet.






