Ingress Achievement Badges v2

Ingress Achievement Badges v2


Expanded version of my Ingress achievement badges in physical form, published as a remix as I've changed the generating script quite a bit. In some cases older versions of the badge design have been used as the new ones (eg Missions Days) just don't work as prints. There are four versions of each included, a basic design in the Zip file "", one with a rectangular recess on the back for a [25mm brooch pin](, one with a circular recess for a [20mm diameter flexible magnet]( and one with a loop on the bottom for a [keyring and link chain]( I've also included the OpenSCAD scripts used to create these badges. The process for creating the badges is the same as for the earlier version, basically convert an image to black and white, use 'potrace' to convert to SVG, run the SVG through Inkscape and the 'Paths to OpenSCAD' extension, play with scale and print. These were printed on a Prusa Mk3S via PrusaSlicer 2.5.0. Some of the badges have very thin lines and you may need to play with slicer settings to get them to show up.



