Wet Pallet for Miniature Painting
This is a Wet Pallet designed for miniature painting. I wanted something cheap and easily accessible, so this is designed to work with generic cellulose sponges and parchment paper. I found mine at Target, but they are also available on Amazon. https://a.co/d/c1G1fps There is a printable gasket (TPU) to keep the paint fresh overnight and it has a guide on the top piece for cutting perfectly sized sheets of parchment paper using a hobby knife. (Please not that this is not water tight when clipped, the gasket is meant for moisture retention while still being flat on a table. If you would like to transport it, dump what water is in the pallet before packing away, water retained in sponge should be fine.) This is sized to be printable on an Ender 3 size build plate (or equivalent).