Pi Sprinkler Box
I designed this 8yrs ago, Sorry I don't remember any of the settings I used on the Prusa that was used at that time. I also didn't do the printing, I gave the file to the owner and he printed it. Background: I wanted a sprinkler system that I didn't have to fiddle with stupid knobs and switches to get programming done. It is above all the 21st century and we can use better technology. My friend and I used SIP, a piece of software that runs in the background on a Raspberry pi. We chose to use the Pi Zero /W as it has WiFi. You access it from your phone or desktop via the IP address it is given. Setup does require some knowledge of Pi, and Linux. Both of which I am not an expert. Here is the links to SIP: https://dan-in-ca.github.io/SIP/ Here is the realy board: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KTELP3I/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The window is not printed, it was made from clear acrylic. The screw holes for the Pi are 2mm and accept a machine screw. They self thread into the plastic great with the draft. Same applies to the 2.5mm holes for the relay board.