Animatronic Tail Gen 1.0
Oh god, where do I start? First thing: <b> If you're gonna remix this thing, your remix may be used (with proper credit of course) in finishing this WIP. </b> Second thing: As you can see, <b>THIS THING / MODELS ARE NOT MENT TO BE SOLD!</b> (see license). <h1><b> How to assemble? </b></h1> <b> What you'll need:</b> 1. Some sort of thick multi-core wire (for the core). Something similar to this [wire]( <b> Note: I didn't buy this specific one, it's just the most similar to the one that I use. Second Note: Use a vinyl-coated wire, It will make your life much easier </b> The wire should be 5mm thick (about 0,20 inches) and should be 83 cm (about 32,6 inches) long. 2. Pulling wire(s). I used a 3mm (about 0,12inch) thick multi-core flexible wire, tho I can't find any similar wires now. You'll need two of them and they should be around 120 cm (about 47,2 inches) long but this is my estimate so take this with a grain of salt. 3. Servos. You'll need two of them, and make sure that they're strong, I accidentally annihilated one of my servos because it was too weak. Here's [what servo I'm currently using]( but i would still probably buy a stronger one. 4. RPI Pico H. 5. 4M screws. <b> How to assemble this?</b> 1. Good luck. 2. Sorry, but i'll finish this later.