Catan - Seafarer
Expansion for Catan. Basisgame required ( Other Expansion: City & Knights Created with TinkerCAD, links for new files added For 4 Players you need to add to Basis: Framework: 11 Mitte - Center for landtiles 21 Mitte - Center for Seatiles 10 Rand 2 - Edge 2 Landscape: 1 Ackerland - Farm 2 Gebirge - Mountains 2 Hügelland - Hills 1 Wald - Forrest 1 Weideland - Pasture 2 Sumpf - Swamp (Desert) 34 Meer - Water 2 Goldfluss - goldriver ( Harbor: 1 Hafenbecken - Harbour Basin 1 3-1 Hafen - 3-1 Harbor Figures: 1 Seeräuber - Pirate Ship ( For each Player in their own Color 15 Schiffe - Ships ( Everything else is used from the actuall game ( Numberchips, Ressourcecards, etc..) Tips for Szenarios Fog Islands ( Szenario 3 ) You need the original 2D landtiles to shuffle and distribute at discovery Warships ( Szenario 7 ) Turn the ships 90° For random builds just take corresponding count of ressourcecards, shuffle them and place them in framework. then replace them with aktuall Landscape. For swamp use a knight-card. Harbors are placed every second waterfield. Use here the same method.