Filament running out alarm

Filament running out alarm


I wanted a little filament alarm, something that would make noise when I was running low on filament in case I was in another room. I don't like retraction+refeeding filament, I prefer to just feed in new as it's going, so I made this. Filament runs through a 2.5mm tunnel, when it runs out it triggers the internal circuit to play an MP3 of your choice. The board I'm using is rechargeable and has a USB mini (sorry) interface so you can plug it into a PC to change out the audio. That's also how it charges. I've also left a slot for the on-off switch, which you might want to use if you use a particularly long mp3 as I did. This is entirely a case for existing electronic parts. Here's the audio board I'm using, it makes this project really trivial: (not an affiliate link, I am not affiliated and make no money on purchases or referrals.) The switch I had was a common 11x20mm lever switch wired up for normally-off operation. You can use whatever'll fit. I was going to reprint it in a new colour but while I might still do that, this is good enough for the moment. I might update this with better photos if I do. The key thing is: it works. ^_^



