After months and years of looking for perfect printer I try to design my own. 3D printer which is cheap to build and reliable. In middle of a process I found that it can be pretty too. This is peace of engineering which can stand in Yours living room, and Your wife wont throw away. In list of thing You have all the parts needed to put it together, and DXF file witch MDF box. You can cut it yourself or use some CNC mashine. Printer can be used with any direct or bowden extruder. For my bowden setup I'm using Rollestruder ( in my opinion - the strongest and overall best bowden type extruder) Whole Printer was build in idea of Smartrapcore, and most idMarli You can use with Arduino ega 2560 eas was taken from and redesigned to meet my needs. Marlin file can be used directly with Arduino Mega 2560 and A4988 stepstick. Worked fine for me and made some impressive prints with it. In overall this setup is perfect for begginers, and most of semi moderate - fast prints. IMPORTANT When using SD reader at LCD, keep IDE cable as short as possible. Work in progress