UNW OB16 mag mod on the ODDBALL PAINTBALL's OB10 v1.1 tipx mag
these mod parts are made to go with the v1.1 version of the OB10 TiPX magazine that is made by:ODDBALL PAINTBALL https://www.printables.com/model/213848-tipx-magazine-ob-10%2Fcomments the idea of this modded parts is to make it compatible with the standard DMAG 30 rounds mag springs. this can be a handy spring to use on more delicate paint this OB16 round mag is only for round ball use, since this is a lighter spring than is normally used for FS rounds. so the second thing this mod will do is helping in the mag door from closing when you things like a tactical reload. how to do you assemble this mag? or do you want more details for it. I think for now the best place to start is to watch the video that I made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q66jOopxTw&t=1s but of course for the original files those can be found above. and yes it does work in a FGC68TE with a TiPX mag lower. giving you the option to 3d print your marker and mags https://www.printables.com/social/180009-untangleworks/collections/88908