Dual Blower Fan Duct for Creality CR-6 SE - BullHead Mk1

Dual Blower Fan Duct for Creality CR-6 SE - BullHead Mk1


Say "Hello!" to the BullHead Mk1 Hotend Cover! I have designed a Dual Blower Fan Duct for Creality CR-6 SE 3D Printer. It allows for better part cooling and increased print speed and quality! **Bill of Materials** - M3 Threaded Inserts - https://geni.us/ThreadedInserts - M3 Round Head Screws - https://geni.us/M3-Screws - M2 Round Head Screws & Hex Nuts - https://geni.us/M2-Screws - 4010 Radial Fans (2x) - https://geni.us/4010Fan - 4010 Axial Fan - https://geni.us/Noctua-Fan - 40W Heating Cartridge https://geni.us/40WCartridge - Shrinking Tubes - https://geni.us/ShrinkTubes - JST-XH Connectors & Crimps - https://geni.us/JST-XH **Print Settings** - Filament: PETG - https://geni.us/PETG - Print Temp: 245 °C - Bed Temp 70 °C - Perimeters: 3 - Infill: 25% - Support: Paint on supports for selected parts - Some parts should be turned around for better printability I am printing with a Creality CR-6 SE Check out my YouTube Video for more details: https://youtu.be/EKCkAO5p_9o License Type = CC BY-NC-SA (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)



