Bitbot balloon popper & flag holder plug

Bitbot balloon popper & flag holder plug


This two piece set was designed for a Norwegian TV-show. A team of young programmers was tasked to pop as many ballons as possible in 90 seconds using radio controlled Bitbot XLs, and a game show contestant had to guess how many they managed to pop before the time ran out. The front end looks similar to the bowsprit of a sailing ship, and is designed to hold a standard felting needle for the balloon popping bit. It fits over the contact for the sonar sensor, and should be held in place with a strip of sticky tape. You'll also need a small piece of sticky tape around the needle and plastic bowsprit piece to secure the needle. The pen holder plug goes in the pen holder between the wheels of the Bitbot XL to hold a bamboo skewer that can be fitted with a flag. This piece is optional and was only added to make the Bitbots more visible for the cameras. I used supports for the bowsprit piece. Depending on your printer, it may not need support. In addition to the printed parts you'll need at least one standard felting needle with a 90 degree bend at the end and some sticky tape.






