Saturn 2 Resin Printer Heating Band Riser / Spacer

Saturn 2 Resin Printer Heating Band Riser / Spacer


Saturn 2 Vat Heater Riser / Spacer Adds a spacer to the Saturn 2 to allow the top cover to be raised about 2 .25 inches and also has built in protusions to press a standard Fermentation Band / Heater towards the Vat of the resin printer. Fermentation band is added along with a temperature controller allowing one to control the temperature of the resin in the vat. Warmer resin flows much better and allows more sucessful prints to be produced. Consistient resin temperature also helps with more sucessful prints. One can now have a colder ambient air work / printing enviornment and still allow printing of resin at a warmer temperature. Credit for the orginal model / remix should go to Matt Sims on the site. There are 5 files for the Vat riser. Which relates to one file for each section of the vat riser / spacer. Print one of each and glue together to form the finished Riser / spacer. Note: If one wants to keep the use of the existing Active Charcoal Filter that is located in the left rear of the printer then it is necessary to print the file named SATURN2RISER_BREWINGBAND4_w_CarbonFilter.stl instead of the one named SATURN2RISER_BREWINGBAND4.stl (this one will have a protrusion that blocks the use of the Active carbon Filter. I have also designed an included files to print the Termperature Controller box for this controller purchased off of Amazon's website. Model name for the controller is XH-W3001 Digital LED Temperature Controller Module Digital Thermostat Switch with Waterproof Probe Programmable Heating Cooling Electronic Thermostat Range from -50℃ to 110℃ (12V 10A 120W) (2 Pieces) To use this with the temperature controller box model one must cut off the mounting ears on the temperature controller and then just run the cables out the backside and out of the box. Its just a friction fit then. Also included are cable clips to allow routing of the cable from the controller along the side and back of the riser (these were printed and then glued with CA glue to the riser) Makes for a much more professional presentation and also keeps the cables tidy and secure. Note :ReSize the cable clips along the Z axis within ones slicer to make the clip shorter. Also Modeled a simple temperature probe holder that uses the existing thumbscrew hold downs for the Vat on the Saturn 2 . One just places the thumbscrew through one side of the model and the other one is used to slip fit the probe through and down towards the vat. Just down to touch the side of the Vat and not the resin itself. One may need to drill out the holes in the temp probe holder slightly depending on the tolerances achieved with thier respective 3 D printer. The specific Fermentation Band heater I use is here on Amazon's website as well. 80W Silicone Heating Belt 15 x 2000mm Waterproof Flexible Oil Pipe Heating Wrap Cable Self Control Temperature Warmer(DC12V) Runs off of 12 Volts DC and will require a pretty high amperage power supply. 5 Amps or so. The fermentation band is so long that I wrapped it around the vat 2 times and that actually turned out to be a good thing as it covers more surface area of the outer side of the vat and allows faster heating and more consistent heating. If you find this design useful please post a Make and also considering buying the designer (me) a coffee <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: 30px !important;width: 80px !important;" ></a> Click graphic



