Ender 3 control Pi  4 Enclosure

Ender 3 control Pi 4 Enclosure


Octo-print enclosure for a Raspberry Pi 4b, 4 Relay module and buck converter. this enclosure works for ender 3 pro with one lead screw for the z axis. I have not tested it with the Ender 3 V2 therefore I am not certain it would work with said V2. The power supply was relocated so as to mount to the outside of the enclosure for those that have upgraded to a linear rail system as this lowers the bed and makes it impossible to mount the power supply under the bed. I have included along with the STL files OBJ and STEP files for all parts. I have printed and tested all the parts multiple times so I hope i have worked out all the kinks. if there is anything i can do to improve or fix let me know and Ill do what I can.







3D Printing