WLED mini node v1 - box

WLED mini node v1 - box


Please read first: Printed on my ender 3 with 200 degree celsius nozzle and 65 degree celsius bed. Box is printed in original orientation, the lid needs to be flipped upside down. (These setting will depend of your filament.) Also, a warning don't remobe the lid part from the printers bed when it is above 30 degree celsius since it could warp. Pry it off gently by flexing the build surface a bit and then with with a spantula or other flat tool. This is a box for the mini Node which uses an esp8266 nodemcu v3 running WLED. The design was made for it to not look like an eyesore when sitting in the open, it can also be mounted behind a shelf, under a desk or wherever you desire to mount it. Utlizing the holes at the bottom of the box or using a double sided tape. (I recommend screws becuse I hadn't tested how tape adheres to the bottomof the box.) The board is mounted with smaller screws inside the box with 2mm wide thread and maximum 4-5mm thread to not poke out of the bottom of the box. The lid is mounted with 2mm wide thread, 10mm long thread wood screws. The holes at the bottom will fit screws with 3mm wide thread screws which will hold it to a desk or some other surface.







3D Printing