Earth Insert/Organizer

Earth Insert/Organizer


NOTE: Currently the photos lie just a TINY bit. The tray (CardStorage) between the upright cards isn't the correct tray. Had a bowden tube pop out of the fitting while they were printing. I will update the photos when they're done. It is a minor fib, the rest of the insert shows the accurate design. I am designing items more and more to make use of two sets of items: one for my side of the table and one for the other side. So you'll see quite a few duplicate trays. Honestly, the deluxe sprouts and dirt could fit in a single sprout/dirt tray and the trunks/canopies JUST fit in a single tray as well. But splitting them up allows for use without reaching across the table. I have a number of currently "unused" trays in this design -- I have some plans to print out different dirt tokens (the deluxe ones are nice, but hard for me to pick up) so many of these will be used for storage later. Number of each item to print is in the filename. The DMStorageShallow trays go over the DirtMulti (dirt multiplier token storage). The DMStorageDeep trays go next to that stack. The CardStorage trays go between the upright card holders. I believe everything else is clear from the photos. Note 1: While this is being used for deluxe components, there's no reason it should not work with base version. Note 2: Designed to work with Sleeve Kings sleeves. Others sleeves will probably fit, but I recommend doing a test before going all in.



