Akara's Hammershot

Akara's Hammershot


These are the parts for Akara's Hammershot Blaster. It fixes some of the issues with the original 7 shot cylinder. The spinner shouldn't have any problems cycling anymore. Original had loo large of gaps meaning it didn't always rotate all the way and could get stuck. The cylinder has looser holes at the end and a tight portion towards the back (the same as the stock hammershot cylinder) so darts don't get stuck but still have grip when all the way in. The cylinder also has rifling and other decorative details. I liked parts of both the original spring spacers so i combined them into this one. To use the speed loader put the plunger in first, then load darts tip first into the speed loader. When you are out of darts place it over the end of the Hammershot and press down with the plunger to load in 5 more shots. Thank you to Horsengineer for the original 7 shot cylinder: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1274005



