Dive Coins - Pirate Treasure

Dive Coins - Pirate Treasure


These are two-part dive coins to be used as dive toys in a pool. Superglue together. Designs use either 7 nickels or up to 20 pennies since pennies and nickels give us the most bang for you buck in terms of weight vs cost vs space needed. Be sure to super glue the coins together and to the inside walls of the dive token. When some kids learn that there are coins inside, they will make it their mission to break the dive token open. So use your own discretion if you want to tell the kids or not. If the coins rattle its a dead giveaway. Holes around the outside are to drill additional holes inside with 1/16 drill bit to get rid of air pockets in the print. There is an intentional air pocket designed in the top to keep the coin upright though you can drill through that if you need to. I recommend 7-12 walls. The more walls the less air is trapped in the supports. I recommend lighting supports so they are easier to drill into and fill evenly with water. I have tested the nickel tokens but not the penny tokens yet. Before gluing I would recommend using rubber bands or tape to hold the halves together and test in a clear glass.







Toys & Games