iOptron CEM40 Azimuth Lock Screw Lever

iOptron CEM40 Azimuth Lock Screw Lever


This is a self-remix of sorts of this creation ( It's an arguably better version, although it's a bit more involved and in a sense destructive. Here is how you use it. You print the main part and the lever part. The cap is optional. 1. Sand the lever part and file the inside of the "T" shape of the main part so that the lever can fit in there snug, but not tight so as making it difficult to take off. The lever *must* remain detachable. 2. Make sure the the azimuth lock screw is tight. 3. Take an adhesive (I highly recommend epoxy glue) and apply to the bottom concave portion of the main part, where it will be capped over the screw head. Don't apply too much, just enough so that when pressed onto the screw head, the adhesive will cover the internal walls, but not overflow into the hex-shaped hole. 4. Take the L-shaped Allen wrench and slide into the hex-shaped hole from above so that a few millimeters of it is sticking out. 5. Align with the azimuth screw and drop the main part onto the screw head, all the way down. IMPORTANT: this is to ensure that the T-shaped opening will be facing outward when you screw the azimuth lock screw in. If it faces inward, this design becomes useless. 6. Use the Allen wrench, NOT the knob, to loosen the screw. Then, gently unscrew the knob+screw combo off of the mount. Make sure that the printed knob is not moving relative to the screw, displacing the orientation of the T-shaped opening. 7. Wipe off any adhesive that may have overflowed. Let it rest for 24 hours until the adhesive is fully cured. 8. When fully cured, you should be able to screw in the contraption (screw+knob) until snug, then slide the T-shaped lever into the T-shaped hole, and use the lever to tighten/loosen the screw as needed. 9. If/when you need to disassemble the mount, e.g., for transportation, remove the lever, and unscrew the knob. 10. Optional: in case the fit between the lever and the knob is too loose, you may afraid of losing the lever. You can print the cap using TPU filament and cover the top of the knob when in use. Here is a brief video showing the process:



